
  • All content published on zachward.com and any related social channels, including but not limited to blog posts, audio, book excerpts, video, and external links, is provided only for entertainment purposes.

  • In keeping with the times, some content on this website may be generated using artificial intelligence (AI) as an experiment and as a tool to supplement, enhance, and make suggestions.

  • While AI may assist in the writing process, the thoughts, ideas, opinions, and the finished product are entirely human and original to their author, Zach Ward, who owns the copyright.

  • This stories published on the site are auto-biographical and protected under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries throughout the world. Country of first publication: United States of America.

  • No warranty, promise, or guarantee of any kind is implied or created by the content of this website or the coaching, consulting, speaking or training services contracted via zachward.com or involvedleaders.com